6 Mile Trip

The most popular trip, takes an average of 2-3 hours to paddle depending on water level

Canoes $30.00 per person                          Kayaks $35.00 per person


12 Mile Trip

This trip will is all day, takes about 4-6 hours.

Canoes $40.00 per person                            Kayaks $45.00


The last shuttle leaves at 9 AM on weekends 10 AM weekdays

18 Mile Trip

Consists of 12 miles the first day and camp where your cars are parked, wake up second day and paddle 6 miles to the pull out where we will shuttle you back to your cars.


$55.00 a person for canoe or kayak

Paddle Out & In

This is the best deal we have to offer, the trip is for as long as you want to make it. It does involve paddling upstream which does take work, however it saves you cash and saves us gas so it is environmentally friendly.  Challenge yourself and see how far you can make it upstream and then when you are tired, turn around and float back to your car.


This trip is only $25.00 per person for either a canoe or kayak.


This trip CAN NOT be discounted


Other Discounts

Available with Tax ID


Thaxton’s Canoe Trails Kentucky’s oldest family ran canoe rental would like to invite you and a group canoeing or kayaking at a great affordable rate. With your rental your group has the boats for the whole day. Even though the trip can be completed in normal time frame, you are welcome to take your time because you are floating back to your cars. Pack a lunch & cooler, proper clothing, and sunscreen; this paddling season and make memories that will last a life time.

